Dixon Hall Gala 2023

I am delighted to share my recent experience attending the inspiring "Music for Life Gala" hosted by Dixon Hall to raise money for their Music School on November 23rd. It was truly an honour to be part of an event that celebrates the profound impact of music education on our community's youth.

The evening was nothing short of spectacular, as it brought together passionate supporters, talented musicians and dedicated community leaders under one roof. The ambiance was filled with joy, enthusiasm and an unwavering commitment to nurturing the musical talents of youth in our inner city communities.

Dixon Hall's Music School has been a beacon of artistic excellence, providing a safe and inclusive space for budding musicians to explore their creativity and develop invaluable skills. Through their programs, they offer access to music education, instruments and mentorship that empower our youth to reach their full potential.

Witnessing the performances by the students was a testament to the dedication and hard work invested by both the instructors and the learners themselves. Their songs resonated with the audience, reminding us all of the transformative power of music and its ability to unite, inspire and uplift our spirits.

The gala served as a fundraiser to ensure that Dixon Hall's Music School continues to thrive and expand its reach, enabling more aspiring young musicians in low-income neighbourhoods to benefit from their exceptional programs. The generosity displayed by attendees, sponsors and donors alike was heartwarming and reaffirms our community's commitment to supporting such crucial initiatives.

As we move forward, let us continue to rally behind organizations like Dixon Hall's Music School, as they play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our community through our youth.

To learn more about how you can get involved and support the music school, check out their website here: https://dixonhall.org/

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Rental Demolition and Replacement Forum

Rental Demolition and Replacement Forum

Over the past year, we have seen a rise in Rental Demolition & Replacement applications at the City of Toronto, and in particular in Toronto Centre. Hearing that an application has been submitted for your home to be demolished and replaced is extremely stressful.

The City of Toronto recognizes that protecting the existing rental housing stock is incredibly important to ensure renting is an attainable housing option for residents, especially seniors, students and families.

Unfortunately, the City cannot refuse a development application on the basis of hardship to existing tenants under Provincial law. While there are tenant protections under the Residential Tenancies Act, the City felt they were inadequate to deal with the magnitude of rental housing stock under threat in Toronto. As such, the City created protections in the City’s Official Plan under our Housing policies and as permitted within the confines of the City of Toronto Act (Section 111).

Join me on Monday, April 15 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Wellesley Community Centre to learn more about our Rental Demolition & Replacement process from City Staff, how our policy has evolved over time, steps I've taken to address the gaps in the Tenant Assistance and Relocation Package secured by the City, what advocacy is being done at the provincial level by our MPP Wong-Tam, and what your rights are as a tenant.

Feel free to join us online! Click on the following link to join the event and ask questions: https://chrismoise.ca/live

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