Clean Toronto Together - April 19 to 22

The City of Toronto’s annual spring cleanup of parks and public spaces returns Friday, April 19 to Monday, April 22 (Earth Day). Since 2004, the City of Toronto has held city-wide spring cleanup weekends. This year marks the 19th year of Clean Toronto Together, the largest municipal cleanup event in Canada. 


The City of Toronto’s annual spring cleanup of parks and public spaces returns Friday, April 19 to Monday, April 22 (Earth Day). Since 2004, the City of Toronto has held city-wide spring cleanup weekends. This year marks the 19th year of Clean Toronto Together, the largest municipal cleanup event in Canada. 

On Saturday, April 20 you can join me and my team and  The Friends of Regent Park at the bake oven in Regent Park to clean the park, as we will be providing garbage bags and gloves for a community wide park clean up! 

(St. James Town Clean Green 2023)

If you are a concerned resident, member of the community or a community organization who is interested in helping clean your local park, ravine, sports field or trail, register your team at the Clean Toronto Together website. You can also contact our office to request and pick up clear garbage bags and nitrile gloves. Help your community sparkle this Earth Day!

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