December 2024 Welcome Letter

While summer days are long behind us, the magic of the holiday season lies ahead to keep our hearts warm. Whether you are visiting friends and family or relaxing at home, I hope you find some time to relax and make some space for yourself.

As we celebrate the season, I ask that those who can afford to do so consider supporting a local food bank. The unfortunate truth is that many of these vital services are reporting that due to a surge in demand, they are being forced to cut how much food they can provide to clients. This means families who rely on these services will be stretching their resources even further.

According to the Who's Hungry Report 2024, 1 in 10 Torontonians rely on food banks. They are often invisible, including friends and family, and sadly can often include children. Toronto Centre has the unfortunate distinction of having the highest rate of child poverty in Canada, at a staggering 36.6% according to a report by national anti-poverty group Campaign 2000 and Social Planning Toronto. This is completely unacceptable.

As Chair of the Board of Health, I have worked closely with Mayor Chow to increase the City’s funding to expand student nutrition programs and advocate for more fundingI'm thrilled that both the federal and provincial governments announced in late November more funding to support students across the province.

But if over a third of children in Toronto Centre are in poverty, then that means a lot of families are too. There are a large number of food banks and related services in our ward, and if you have a bit to give this year, please consider donating to a food bank near you. My constituency office at 329 Parliament Street has a box inside with donations going to the Allan Gardens Food Bank. We are also accepting unwrapped toy donations at my constituency office to go to the 51 Division’s Annual Toy Drive.

For those joining us for our Toronto Centre Holiday Banquet on December 11, we'll also be taking food and unwrapped toy donations to be distributed to those in need. Let's join together put some smiles on faces this holiday season.

Yours in Service,

Chris Moise
City Councillor
Ward 13 - Toronto Centre

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February 2025 Welcome Letter

With the colder weather, I hope you and your family have been able to find joy with activities like sledding and skating that are only possible this time of year. There are many opportunities across the city for drop-in ice skating, such as in Regent Park and in Nathan Phillips Square. There are always plenty of people learning for the first time, so If you’ve never skated before, you’ll be in good company! So I encourage you to get out and hit the ice this February while the weather cooperates.

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