Historic Queen Street East BIA AGM

The reconstituted Historic Queen East Business Improvement Area (BIA) held its first annual general meeting (AGM) with business owners and commercial property owners between Victoria Street to River Street on December 4, 2024. While the BIA was unable to pass a budget, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our volunteer-based board of management. Their tireless efforts in organizing this event and articulating their visions at the AGM were instrumental in recruiting new board members for its 2025 strategic plans.

While the BIA did not get enough votes to pass the 2025 budget due to concerns about administration costs, I listened and my office engaged in detailed discussions on crucial topics affecting residents and businesses. Not all actions cost money, but it takes time and dedication to coordinate with local stakeholders. That will be the BIA’s goal in the new year. 

The Historic Queen East BIA represents a dynamic and diverse business and shopping landscape in the city, but also one that requires special attention in the public realm. The conversations at this AGM sparked an interest in community leadership, leading to five new volunteers stepping forward to join the BIA. There is much to be accomplished along Queen Street East, and I want to extend my appreciation to these new members for their commitment to becoming community leaders in 2025.

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