May City Council Highlights

The May 22 and 23 City Council meeting was a somber affair, as we honoured the life of our late colleague, Councillor Jaye Robinson. Following touching tributes, there was discussion about the City’s Corporate Asset Management Plan and Micromobility Strategy

What’s New in Toronto Centre 

King Street Transit Priority Corridor Update 

Improving the King Street Transit Priority Corridor is a key concern for my office. That’s why I’ve requested that Transportation Services report back on opportunities to implement automated enforcement of  “block the box” type of offences as an owner liability offence, deterring drivers from blocking the intersection.

Additionally, the following recommendations from the Infrastructure and Environment Committee will help improve efficiency along the corridor and enhance its public realm: 

  • Transportation Services will create a King Street working group to report on developing a unified streetscape plan that responds to and enhances King Street's distinct character; and
  • Transportation Services will report back by the fourth quarter of 2024 on: 
    • The impact traffic signal modifications have made on traffic flow along King Street; 
    • Updated information on proposed public realm improvements, including, but not limited to, mid-block curb extensions, transit bump outs, widened sidewalks and public realm spaces;
    • An update on the status of the Automated Enforcement strategy; and 
    • The status of the creation of the King Street working group.

Progress on the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Tenant Advisory Committee

Since spring 2023, Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) and the City have been working collaboratively to launch TCHC's Tenant Advisory Committee. The Tenant Advisory Committee's mandate is to advise TCHC on the implementation of their refreshed Tenant Engagement System and on corporate initiatives that advance tenant priorities. City Council has now requested that TCHC report back on the refreshed Tenant Engagement System and a comprehensive implementation plan by the end of 2024.

Protecting Small Businesses and Supporting Vibrant Main Streets 

As the Mayor’s Small Business Champion and small business owner, I am committed to supporting small businesses in Toronto Centre and across the city. I was proud to support the following requests to the Provincial government at City Council: 

  • Implementation of commercial rent control for small, locally-owned businesses;
  • Establishment of a dispute resolution tribunal for commercial tenants and landlords; and
  • Development and requirement of standardized leases for commercial tenants and landlords.

Partnership for Healthy Cities 

The City of Toronto has participated in the Partnership for Healthy Cities (PHC), a global network committed to creating healthier, safer and more equitable urban centers by reducing the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases and injuries, since 2017. This year, Toronto Public Health, in partnership with the Environment and Climate division, has been awarded a PHC grant to implement a new project exploring public awareness and health behaviours during heat or wildfire smoke events. City Council has authorized Toronto Public Health to accept and spend the one-time grant for this new project. 

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