Downtown East Action Plan – Refresh

Since the end of the pandemic, residents have had real concerns about the condition of our Downtown East, including public drug use, encampments, homelessness, unclean laneways and sidewalks, graffiti, broken windows, break-ins, public intoxication, used needles, and a noticeable lack of visible enforcement.

These are very valid concerns, and they emphasize the need for a comprehensive and collaborative approach to
improve safety and cleanliness in our neighbourhoods. Our refreshed Downtown East Action Plan has these key initiatives to address them:

  1. Cleaning squads for our streets, parks, and laneways
  2. Improved bylaw enforcement in our public facilities, parks, streets, laneways, and private property
  3. Improved access to safe indoor and outdoor spaces for marginalized people, and increased capacity for City staff and agencies to accommodate them
  4. Grants to fund crisis intervention, de-escalation, and short-term case management
  5. Better training and education for community members and agencies who respond to mental health crises, substance use, and homelessness
  6. Comprehensive review of park washrooms, and a feasibility study of year-round usage and new builds
  7. Financial support for businesses and Business Improvement Area’s responding to vandalism, public realm concerns, and broken windows
  8. More Community Engagement Teams
  9. Strengthening Neighbourhoods Grant for resident-led groups and associations
  10. Support for Indigenous placemaking and place-keeping activities
  11. Improvements to the Dundas-Sherbourne corridor

The refreshed Downtown East Action Plan has been approved by council, and will officially begin in April 2025 after the City budget process.

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