With almost 26,000 people, St. James Town is the most populated neighbourhood in the ward. St. James Town has a high presence of children under 15 years and both the most lone parent households and couples with children in the Core. It has the highest number of persons living below the LIM-AT, unemployment is second highest in the Core and nearly a quarter of those who are employed have only part-time work. This is one of the most diverse neighbourhoods with the highest presence of immigrants, most recently from the Philippines, Nepal, and India.

Projects & Initiatives

News & Events

Encampments Dashboard

Our Encampment Dashboard provides updates encampments in parks, how we’re managing them, and outlines City’s new encampment protocol. 

Building More Housing

One of my priorities is using under-utilized City lands for deeply affordable housing, as part of a comprehensive plan to increase supportive and affordable housing in Toronto Centre.

Downtown East Action Plan – Refresh

Since the end of the pandemic, residents have had real concerns about the condition of our Downtown East, including public drug use, encampments, homelessness, unclean laneways and sidewalks, graffiti, broken windows, break-ins, public intoxication, used needles, and a noticeable lack of visible enforcement.


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