News & Events

Cluster 2: Cabbagetown, St James Town, and Winchester Park Neighbourhood Town Hall

Cluster 2: Cabbagetown, St James Town, and Winchester Park Neighbourhood Town Hall

I am delighted to announce the return of our annual Neighbourhood Town Halls!

Hosted in six different areas of the ward, these town halls will take place in venues that are fully accessible, allowing every resident to select the event location closest to their home. Participating in these town halls is a great opportunity for you to hear about the work I have been undertaking at city hall and throughout our communities.

More importantly, these town halls are not just about me speaking — they are about listening, too. Each event is structured to include ample open mic time, providing each of you with a platform to ask questions, voice concerns, and contribute to the conversation shaping our ward.

This year, we are stepping up our game in an effort to ensure as many of our residents can participate as possible with the introduction of a fully hybrid event model. We are striving to allow community members to not only tune in online but also to participate by asking questions and speaking virtually. My team is hard at work handling the logistics of this hybrid setup, aiming to provide a seamless and inclusive experience for everyone.

Coming together as a community is a powerful thing. That is why I encourage you all to attend, meet your neighbours, engage in insightful dialogues, and learn more about what is happening at city hall.

And of course, what's a community event without snacks? Light refreshments will be provided.

So mark your calendars and join us in building a stronger and more connected Ward 13. I look forward to meeting you all there!

In the Ward: Winchester Park

In the Ward: Winchester Park

Last month, I spent an afternoon in the Winchester Park neighborhood, a small area between Cabbagetown and St. James Town. This community, like its neighbours, is a mix of heritage homes, Toronto Community Housing units, and social service providers. My dedicated staff and two members of the Winchester Park Residents’ Association (WPRA) joined me.

Participatory Budgeting 2024

Participatory Budgeting 2024

Last year was the first time PB was done in Ward 13; we learned a lot about what improvements residents want to see in their neighbourhoods. Now, it’s time to generate some new ideas for 2024!

The Year Ahead

The Year Ahead

In this special update, I explain what this year’s adopted budget means for us in Toronto Centre and the work to be done in the year ahead.

The Mayor's Budget

The Mayor's Budget

On February 1, Mayor Olivia Chow released her version of the budget. This iteration comes after the Staff budget was released on January 10th and underwent extensive public consultation at pre-budget consultations last November, budget town halls, and budget committee meetings. 

Getting Toronto Back on Track: The Proposed 2024 Budget

Getting Toronto Back on Track: The Proposed 2024 Budget

Over the last week, I have heard from many constituents about the City’s proposed 2024 budget. I wanted to address the concerns I have heard regarding the property tax rate increase as I can understand the anxiety this has caused. 


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